Changelog for September 2024

This changelog covers changes to the documentation and API Reference during September 2024.

Content changes

  • Added Common required parameters topic for showing which APM parameters are required across the various APMs. This information can help integrators who want to always send the same parameters in the APM one-time-use token request. (9/25/2024)
  • Added an Integration flow section to each of the integration guides in the Payment methods section of Guides as a way to give more of an overview of the decisions and possibilities when integrating an APM. (9/25/2024)
  • The Filtering using query parameters topic has been updated to match the changes made to the View transactions endpoint. (9/11/2024)

API changelog

Enhancement/FixAPI ReferenceDescription
FixReportingFixed the View transactions endpoint. Previously, the documentation indicated that developers could use any of various date parameters to filter and query for transactions. However, this was not possible. These parameters have been removed from the endpoint reference. (9/11/2024)
EnhancementReseller ServicesUpdated the Create online application endpoint. The application itself changed, so we changed the API to match those changes, additions, and deletions.

The following parameters were changed:

- partner.repCode is now required.

- partner.partnerRef is no longer required (also, removed).

- partner.agentEmail is no longer required (also, removed).

- is no longer required.

- pricing object and most parameters are now required.

- Added the none option to pricing.amexPricingType.

- Changed a couple options for owners.owner[n].title to replace space with hyphen.

- Changed the following to accept either 2 or 3 characters: owners.owner[n].ownerState, owners.owner[n].identificationState, business.businessState, business.legalState.

- business.marketType changed from enum to string with comma-delimited values.

- directSalesMLM.generalProductServices renamed to directSalesMLM.generalProductsServices.

- directSalesMLM.financialStartup changed to string enum from boolean.

- directSalesMLM.operationalTrialOffer split into content and new parameter for Boolean (see below).

- directSalesMLM.operationalPeakSeason split into content and new parameter for Boolean (see below).

- directSalesMLM.operationalDistributors now part of directSalesMLM.operationalProductFulfillment.

- directSalesMLM.operationalRecurringBilling changed to boolean and content moved to new parameter. See below.)

- merchantProfileAnalysis.generalBilledFrequncy renamed to merchantProfileAnalysis.generalBilledFrequency

- merchantProfileAnalysis.generalControlPerson changed from boolean to string.

- merchantProfileAnalysis.creditRepairTelemarking renamed to merchantProfileAnalysis.creditRepairTelemarketing

- merchantProfileAnalysis.lendingLoan renamed to merchantProfileAnalysis.lendingOriginate

- The response now returns merchantLink and token (rather than onlineAppEmail, onlineAppUrl, and onboardingId).

The following parameters were moved to a different object:

- business.monthlySalesVolume to merchantProfile.monthlySalesVolume

- business.averageTicketAmount to merchantProfile.averageTicketAmount

- business.cardPresentSwiped to merchantProfile.cardPresentSwiped

- business.cardPresentKeyed to merchantProfile.cardPresentKeyed

- business.cardNotPresentMOTO to merchantProfile.cardNotPresentMOTO

- business.cardNotPresentECommerce to merchantProfile.cardNotPresentECommerce

- directSalesMLM.isDirectSalesMLM to merchantProfile.isDirectSalesMLM

The following parameters were deleted:

- partner.agentEmail

- partner.partnerRef

- partner.redirectUrl

- pricing.visaAuthBatch (split into 2 new parameters. See below.)

- pricing.visaPinDebit (split into 2 new parameters. See below.)

- pricing.otherFee

- owners.owner[n].ownerResponsibility

- business.mccCode

- business.contactPhone

- business.phoneSameAsBusiness

- merchantProfile.yearsInBusiness

- merchantProfile.percentageSales

- merchantProfile.percentageCosts

- merchantProfile.warrantyDuration

- merchantProfile.multipleLocation

- merchantProfile.totalSalesVolume (see merchantProfile.monthlySalesVolume)

- compliance.qsa

- compliance.saq

- compliance.lastScanDate

- compliance.approvedScanningVendor

- compliance.ttc

- compliance.cardDataStored

- compliance.primaryServiceProvider

- compliance.serviceProviderApplication

- compliance.softwareVersion

- compliance.qir

- directSalesMLM.operationalDistributors

- directSalesMLM.reputationalCriminal (split into 2 new parameters. See below.)

- merchantProfileAnalysis.isMPA

- merchantProfileAnalysis.isFinancialServices

- merchantProfileAnalysis.creditRepairConsumerFacing

The following parameters were added:

- partner.repCode

- partner.applicationType

- partner.checkCredit

- partner.sendEmail

- partner.sendEmailMessage

- partner.hasPersonalGuarantor

- pricing.annualPciComplianceFee

- pricing.chargebackFee

- pricing.edcAVSFee

- pricing.helpDeskFee

- pricing.insufficientFundsFee

- pricing.monthlyBreachInsuranceFee

- pricing.monthlyRegulatoryFee

- pricing.retrievalFee

- pricing.commercialNonQualifiedRate

- pricing.visaAuth

- pricing.visaBatch

- pricing.pinDebitPerItem

- pricing.pinDebitRate

- business.businessStartDate

- merchantProfile.highTicket


- merchantProfile.amexSe

- directSalesMLM.financialCommissionsRecruiting

- directSalesMLM.financialCommissionsSales

- directSalesMLM.financialRecruitingGrossRevenuePercentage

- directSalesMLM.operationalDoesOfferTrial

- directSalesMLM.operationalHasPeakSeason

- directSalesMLM.operationalProductFulfillment

- directSalesMLM.operationalRecurringBillingInfo

- directSalesMLM.operationalRestockingFees

- directSalesMLM.reputationalWorkingWithAttorney

- directSalesMLM.reputationalIndictment

- directSalesMLM.reputationalSanctions

- merchantSiteSurveyReport.merchantLocation

- merchantSiteSurveyReport.merchantLocationOther

- merchantProfileAnalysis.questionsContactNumber


If you have any questions or feedback, contact us.