Filtering using query parameters
Some Nexio API endpoints allow the use of query parameters as a way to filter (or limit) the results returned from the request. You can also use query parameters to request that those specific parameters be included in the response.
Path parameters that you include in a regular endpoint request already act like a filter for the response. But, there is an additional method for creating a filter for the Payments endpoint of View card tokens, the Reporting endpoints of Transactions and Chargebacks and the Payouts endpoint of View recipients.
For these endpoints in the Payments, Reporting, or Payouts API, you can also filter query parameters by specifying the desired parameter to filter on, an equals ( = ) sign, and the value to use for the filter. For parameters in an object, use the object name, a dot, and the parameter name before the equals. You can combine multiple filters by including an ampersand (&) between each one.
Use this feature, along with requesting additional response parameters, to limit the scope of the response and to get back the specific parameters that you want.
For example, the following request returns all transactions (made in the Nexio Payment API) for the specified zip code where the gateway status is 'Approved' and where the response includes all the default parameters plus the content for the customer
and gateway
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic [Base64_encoded_login]'
As another example, the following searches for a transaction made in the Nexio Payment API with the to-be-specified payment ID, and also includes its Kount information in the results.
curl -X GET{payment_ID} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic [Base64_encoded_login]'
Reference tables
The following tables show all the fields that you can use for filtering with the additional query parameters. (The default fields can also be used for filtering. See the API reference documentation for each endpoint for details).
Payments filtering parameters
For information about each field, see the specific endpoint in the Payments API Reference .
Name | Filtering Field |
Merchant ID | merchantId or merchantIds |
Customer reference number | customerRef |
Card type | cardType |
Card holder name | cardHolderName |
Card first six numbers | firstSix |
Card last four numbers | lastFour |
Card expiration month | expirationMonth |
Card expiration year | expirationYear |
Created at | createdAt |
Updated at | updatedAt |
Should update card flag | shouldUpdateCard |
Account Updater status | accountupdaterstatus |
Last update from Account Updater | lastAccountUpdaterUpdate |
Payouts filtering and additional parameters
For information about each field, see the specific endpoint in the Payouts API Reference.
Name | Query Parameter | Filtering Field |
Recipient ID Numbers | recipientIdNumbers. | governmentId passportId driversLicenseId employerIId |
Transactions filtering and additional parameters
For information about each field, see the specific endpoint in the Reporting API Reference .
Name | Additional Parameter | Filtering Field |
Customer | customer. | id firstName lastName postalCode phone email company customerRef |
Kount | kount. | id status rules refNumber merc score ruleCount warningCount counterCount wasDeviceFingerprinted mode velo vmax |
Bank Transfer | bankTransfer. | id account routing checkNumber |
Plugin | plugin. | id originalId invoice orderNumber description userId pluginType paymentOptionTag |
Foreign Processing Currency | foreignProcessingCurrency. | id amount currencyId |
Gateway | gateway. | id merchantId batchRef refNumber additionalRefNumber trackingCode gatewayType message |
Processor | processor. | id transactionRef batchRef originalId processorType |
Customer Addresses | customerAddresses. | id billingAddressOne billingAddressTwo billingCity billingState billingPostalCode billingCountry billingPhone shippingAddressOne shippingAddressTwo shippingCity shippingState shippingPostalCode shippingCountry shippingPhone |
Transaction Details | transactionDetails. | id description clientIp userName shoppingCart customFields retryCount paymentType paymentToken |
Subscription | subscription. | id remainingBalance initialBalance interval intervalCount subscriptionRef accountId scheduleType |
Updated 5 months ago