Klarna integration guide

Klarna Klarna is a payment provider allowing consumers to pay using their payment methods saved to their Klarna account. This section is intended to help you implement Klarna based on your preferred integration workflow.

Services and compatibility

Payment method gateway nameKlarna Payments (klarnaPayments)
Klarna Checkout (klarnaCheckout)
Supported transaction types
Supported integration methods
Supported processing currenciesFor Klarna Payments:
For Klarna Checkout:
Webhook event types

Gateway-specific information

Klarna does not support merchant-initiated transactions for a subscription or payment plan. For that feature, you must integrate with PayPal (with Braintree).

However, Klarna does support Pay Later messaging, which acts like a subscription or payment plan from the customer point of view. For details, see the Pay Later messaging topic.

Nexio supports the following countries and regions for the customer's billing country with Klarna:

  • Australia (AU)
  • Austria (AT)
  • Canada (CA)
  • Denmark (DK)
  • Finland (FI)
  • Germany (DE)
  • Great Britain (GB)
  • The Netherlands (NL)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • Norway (NO)
  • Sweden (SE)
  • Switzerland (CH)
  • United States (US)



Klarna has to enable each individual billing country in order for the merchant to accept payments from that country.

The merchant needs to go through Klarna’s underwriting process and the merchant needs to contract with Klarna directly for the merchant to provision a production merchant ID (MID) with the payment methods for the region that the merchant wants to process. Only the payment methods approved and contracted with Klarna and the merchant will be the ones available at checkout for the consumer.

You can display the payment popup page to the customer in a supported language. To do so, the values for the data.locale, data.currency, and data.customer.billToCountry must match. For information about how they need to match, see the Purchase country, locale, and currency page in the Klarna documentation.


Apart from working with Integrations Support to add Klarna as a payment method, you do not need to do any other configuration steps. In order to add Klarna, Integrations Support needs your Klarna username, password, and clientID.

If you want to add Pay Later messaging to the merchant site, see the Pay Later messaging topic.

Integration flow

The general integration flow is the same for all APMs and depends on which APMs you want to integrate with.

First, the decision about which APMs to use affects the possible integration methods and the required parameters for the APM one-time-use token request. Use the information from this integration guide with the information from any other applicable integration guides as you plan your integration. In order to integrate an APM after it has been added to your merchant account, you need to decide which integration method you want to use, which may be dependent on the method you have used with other APMs. Note that you can mix and match those methods for each APM but your page may not look as usable or clear as when using a single method. There are pros and cons to each method. For additional information, see the Supported integration methods for APMs topic.

After deciding on the integration method, you need to make sure that you know which currencies are supported (for an overview of all APMs, see Supported currencies for APMs) and which parameters are required in a request. This is especially important for integrations with multiple APMs. Make sure that all the required parameters are accounted for across all the APMs used. For an overview of common parameters across the APMs, see Common required parameters.

You also need to decide whether you want to specify where you want the APM to return the customer after they pay or just to the page that opened the APM payment page. If you specify a page, you must include the customerRedirectUrl parameter in the APM one-time-use token request, you need to create that page on your site, and you need to create the code for the page that parses the query string parameters passed along with that redirect URL. Note that you must use this option when using the custom integration method. If you use the referring page, that page needs to listen for event messages.

In addition to either of the previous options, you should also configure webhooks to get event messages. This is especially helpful for instances where the APM process fails or there are problems with a transaction request.

Next, decide on where you are displaying the APM as a payment option (on a product page, shopping cart page, checkout page, or some combination of those. For example, PayPal (with Braintree) has a “Continue button” flow that you can use on a shopping cart page, which may affect how you integrate.

On each page where you are putting the APM option, first you need an APM one-time-use token. This is where you can send most of the required parameters. If necessary, you can also send customization options for the iframe display (whether multi or individual). This returns URLs and an APM token that you use for the integration method you want. Use this URL for the iframe or link. Each APM gets a different URL (except for the multi-iframe method, which gets one for all APMs that are supported).

You will also want to note the asyncTraceId (it is the same for all APMs returned from the APM one-time-use token) because you can use that to track the status of the transaction and narrow down the problem when troubleshooting.

Many of the APMs open a new webpage when the customer selects to pay using that method. The ideal payment flow returns control to the merchant website after the customer authenticates and pays from the APM website. As mentioned previously, your integration needs to include code that gets the data returned from the APM. This will be in the URL query parameters or as event messages or as webhooks. Use this information for display a payment success or failure message for the customer.

Required fields

The following table shows the required and optional fields for Klarna transactions in the Create APM one-time-use token request.

data.amountYesThe transaction amount. This value must equal data.cart.items[n].quantity multiplied by the data.cart.items[n].price.
data.cart.items[n].itemYesItem number or code.
data.cart.items[n].descriptionYesA description of the item.
data.cart.items[n].quantityYesThe quantity sold.
data.cart.items[n].priceYesThe price per item.
data.currencyYesThe three-character ISO currency code for the transaction. To display the payment popup page to the customer in a supported language, this value and the values for data.locale and data.customer.billToCountry must all match. For information about how they need to match, see the Purchase country, locale, and currency page in the Klarna documentation.

For Klarna (with Klarna Payments) (klarnaPayments), supported currencies are AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, NZD, SEK, and USD.
For Klarna through Checkout.com (klarnaCheckout), supported currencies are AUD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK, and USD.
data.customer.orderNumberYesThe order number.
data.customer.firstNameYesThe customer's first name, as it is set for the payment method.
data.customer.lastNameYesThe customer's last name, as it is set for the payment method.
data.customer.emailYesThe customer's email address.
data.customer.billToCountryYesThe two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code . To display the payment popup page to the customer in a supported language, this value and the values for data.locale and data.currency must all match. For information about how they need to match, see the Purchase country, locale, and currency page in the Klarna documentation.

Supported countries are AU, AT, CA, DK, FI, DE, GB, NL, NZ, NO, SE, CH, and US. However, Klarna has to enable each individual billing country in order for the merchant to accept payments from that country. For additional information, see the Important note in the Gateway-specific information section above.
data.customer.billToAddressOneConditionalThe street address for the customer.
Required for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.customer.billToCityConditionalThe city for the address record.
Required for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.customer.billToStateConditionalThe state or province on file with the payment provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation).
Required for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.customer.billToPostalConditionalThe postal code on file.
Required for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.customer.billToPhoneConditionalThe billing phone number.
Required for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.cart.items[n].imageUrlNoThe URL to an image for the item. The system sends the value to Klarna as part of the order lines. Klarna also uses this image for communications between the customer and Klarna. Klarna recommends that the resolution of the image be a minimum of 250x250 pixels (and ideally about 650x650 pixels or more) in order to look good in the Klarna application. If the resolution is less than 50x50 pixels, it will not even display. The image file size must not exceed 12MB.
data.cart.items[n].productUrlNoThe URL to the product on the merchant website. The system sends the value to Klarna as part of the order lines.
data.cart.items[n].typeNoThe type for the transaction. This should be either sale or refund.
data.customer.billToAddressTwoNoAdditional street address information, if required.
data.customer.customerRefNoCustomer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the APM or to manage user subscriptions.
data.customer.invoiceNoThe invoice number.
Not allowed for klarnaPayments.
Optional for klarnaCheckout.
data.customer.shipToAddressOneNoThe shipping address, if different from the billing address.
data.customer.shipToAddressTwoNoAdditional shipping address information, if required.
data.customer.shipToCityNoThe shipping city.
data.customer.shipToStateNoThe shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation).
data.customer.shipToPostalNoThe shipping postal code.
data.customer.shipToCountryNoThe two-character (Alpha-2) ISO shipping country code.
data.customer.shipToPhoneNoThe shipping phone number.
data.descriptionNoA description of the transaction.
data.descriptorNoInclude this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement.
data.localeNoThe two-character ISO 639-1 code for the language locale for this transaction, a hyphen, and the two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code. The system uses this value to display the payment popup to the user in the specified language as long as this value and the values for data.currency and data.customer.billToCountry all match. For information about how they need to match, see the Purchase country, locale, and currency page in the Klarna documentation.
data.paymentMethodNoThe identifier for the alternative payment method. Use this parameter when you want to only return the Klarna iframe button URL (rather than data for all payment methods associated with the account).

The value to use is klarnaPayments or klarnaCheckout, depending on your integration.
data.totalTaxAmountNoTotal tax amount.
customerRedirectUrlNoThe URL to which the customer will be redirected after completing their payment. The customer will be sent here upon successful or failed payment. This URL must use the HTTPS protocol. For more information about how this changes the process flow, see Response handling below.
isAuthOnlyNoSet to true to run an auth only transaction.
processingOptions.merchantIdNoThe Nexio merchant ID (MID).
processingOptions.paymentOptionTagNoA custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account.
uiOptions.displaySubmitButtonNoSet to true to include a submit button in the iframe.
uiOptions.cssNoThe URL where your custom CSS file is hosted.

Example requests

The following are example one-time-use token requests for Klarna for the iframe integration methods:

curl -X POST https://api.nexiopaysandbox.com/apm/v3/token \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic [Base64_encoded_login]'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 4.00,
    "currency": "USD",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "customer": {
      "orderNumber": "12345678",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "email": "john@example.com",
      "billToCountry": "US"
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA"
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555"
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "E200",
          "description": "Platinum set",
          "quantity": 2,
          "price": 2,
          "type": "sale",
          "imageUrl": "http://www.example.com/images/e200.gif",
          "productUrl: "http://www.example.com/products/e200.html"
    "paymentMethod": "klarnaPayments"
curl -X POST https://api.nexiopaysandbox.com/apm/v3/token \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic [Base64_encoded_login]'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 4.00,
    "currency": "USD",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "customer": {
      "orderNumber": "12345678",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "email": "john@example.com",
      "billToCountry": "US"
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "E200",
          "description": "Platinum set",
          "quantity": 2,
          "price": 2,
          "type": "sale",
          "imageUrl": "http://www.example.com/images/e200.gif",
          "productUrl: "http://www.example.com/products/e200.html"
    "paymentMethod": "klarnaCheckout"
  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2",
  "asyncTraceId": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2",
  "expressIFrameUrl": "https://www.api.nexiopaysandbox.com/v3?token=830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2",
  "redirectUrls": [],
  "buttonIFrameUrls": [
      "paymentMethod": "klarnaCheckout",
      "url": "https://api.nexiopaysandbox.com/apm/v3?token=830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2&paymentMethod=klarnaCheckout"
      "paymentMethod": "braintreePayPal",
      "url": "https://api.nexiopaysandbox.com/apm/v3?token=830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2&paymentMethod=braintreePayPal"

For the multi iframe integration method: You use the expressIFrameUrl value in the steps for the transaction.

For the individual iframe option: You use the buttonIFrameUrls.url of the appropriate Klarna APM for the transaction.

Transaction types and integration methods

Regardless of the integration method workflow you implement, consumers are redirected to Klarna to complete their transactions.

Nexio supports the following transaction types for Klarna:

Klarna also supports Pay Later messaging. For details, see the Pay Later messaging topic.

Testing data

For testing data, see Klarna’s Testing Environment page.

Response handling

In the one-time-use token request, Klarna gets returned in the paymentMethod parameter as klarnaPayments or klarnaCheckout.

Nexio responds with transaction results in one of the following ways, depending on your integration workflow:

  • Event messages: This applies to integrations that do not pass a customerRedirectUrl in the request.
  • Response fields in the URL: This applies to integrations that do provide a customerRedirectUrl in the request.

For information about how to run each of the integration workflows, see Transaction types and integration methods above.


In addition to one of the above, if your merchant account is configured to receive webhooks, Nexio provides responses to the webhook URLs that have been registered. For additional information about webhooks, see the Webhooks topic.

The response you get depends on the type of webhooks you have configured.

  • New - The new Nexio webhooks.
  • Legacy - The legacy webhooks.

New webhooks

For Klarna, the new webhook eventType will always be TRANSACTION with a processMethod value of 20 (for APMs).

Those TRANSACTION webhooks will also contain a numerical value for transactionStatus whenever that status changes. For specific information about the status values, see the Transaction status reference tables in the "Constant transaction values" topic. You can also reference the "Status workflows" table below.

For information about what information gets received in a webhook and how to use it, see the Receiving webhooks topic.

Legacy webhooks

For Klarna, these are the possible legacy webhook event types:


For further explanation of the webhook event types, see the legacy webhook Event types table.

Status workflows

The status of a successful transaction with Klarna varies, depending on the options you choose.

SaleWhen isAuthOnly is false, successful sale transactions have the following statuses:
  • pending*
  • settled
Auth onlyWhen isAuthOnly is true, successful sale transactions have the following statuses:
  • authOnlyPending
  • authOnly
CaptureSuccessful capture transactions have the following status:
  • settled
RefundSuccessful refund transactions have the following status:
  • settled

*Pending status displays as "authorized" or "AUTHORIZED" in the Nexio Dashboard; it displays as 10, meaning "authorized", in the response when querying transactions (for more information about transactionStatus, see the table).

Next steps

Now, you are ready to get started with running transactions:

If you have any additional questions or feedback, see Contact us.