API diagrams
We have several different RESTful API endpoints that you can use.
How to use the diagrams
In each diagram, navigate from the central bubble that is the base endpoint, then to the method (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE), and then to any additional path parameters.
Each of the connections also has a short description of the operation.
However, some operations just use the base endpoint. For those, the method is given and then a pointer to a blank path parameter, which is meant to indicate that you do not add anything else for the described operation. These also have a parenthetical attached that gives the name of the operation as specified in the API.
View diagrams for the following services and endpoint groups:
Payments APIs
- Pay - Includes endpoints for Ecommerce and Retail.
- Card - Includes the View card tokens endpoint.
- Auth - Includes the Create simple login endpoint.
- Subscription - Includes endpoints for Subscriptions.
- APM - Includes endpoints for Alternative Payment Methods
Payouts APIs
- Payout - Includes endpoints for Recipients, Payouts, and Spendbacks.
Reporting APIs
- Transaction - Includes endpoints for Transactions.
- Recovery - Includes endpoints for Decline Recovery.
- Chargeback - Includes endpoints for Chargebacks.
- Ach - Includes the View deposit summary endpoint.
Management APIs
- User - Includes endpoints for User Management.
- Merchant - Includes the View merchants by ID endpoint.
Dev Tools APIs
- Webhook - Includes the Webhook Service endpoints.
Payments APIs
The pay
service is for card and e-check transactions, as well as retail transactions.

Pay service
(click to view larger image)
The card
service is for viewing card or terminal tokens associated with the merchant account.

Card service
(click to view larger image)
The auth
service is for creating a simple login for the Retail process.

Auth service
(click to view larger image)
The subscription
service is for subscription and payment plan transactions.

Subscription service
(click to view larger image)
The apm
service is for transactions with alternative payment methods.

APM service
(click to view larger image)
Payouts APIs
The payout
service is used to send a request from the payer (merchant or business, for example) to fund a recipient’s balance, wallet, or account. The endpoint group also allows for creating recipient records as well as viewing existing payouts and recipients.

Payout service
(click to view larger image)
Reporting APIs
The transaction
service is for getting reports about transactions.

Transaction service
(click to view larger image)
The recovery
service is for decline recovery operations.

Recovery service
(click to view larger image)
The chargeback
service is for working with chargebacks and disputes.

Chargeback service
(click to view larger image)
The ach
service is for viewing deposit summaries.

ACH service
(click to view larger image)
Management APIs
The user
service is for working with Nexio user accounts.

User service
(click to view larger image)
The merchant
service is for viewing a list of merchant accounts associated with the Nexio account.

Merchant service
(click to view larger image)
Dev Tools APIs
The webhook
service is for working with webhooks.

Webhook service
(click to view larger image)
Reseller Services APIs
The onlineapplication
service is for resellers who are working with merchant applications.

Online Application service
(click to view larger image)
Updated 4 months ago