Legacy webhooks and event types

For the current workflow with webhooks, see the Webhooks topic.

Webhooks allow you to retrieve real-time information about payment and payout events.

When webhooks are set up, Nexio sends a POST request with event information to the specified endpoint.



You may also choose to receive a signature header—allowing you to verify the webhook's authenticity.

Event types

Below are the possible values for webhook event types.

Event TypeDescriptionExample Webhook Body
ACCOUNT_UPDATER_ACCOUNT_CLOSEDWebhook will be sent when the account associated with the card has been closedAccount closed example
ACCOUNT_UPDATER_CONTACT_CARDHOLDERWebhook will be sent when the card brand advises you to contact the cardholderContact cardholder example
CARD_DATA_UPDATEDWebhook will be sent when card data has been updatedCard updated example
CARD_SAVEDWebhook will be sent when card data has been savedCard saved example
ECHECK_SAVEDWebhook will be sent when echeck data has been savedEcheck saved example
PAYOUTWebhook will be sent when any of the following happens:

- A payout gets submitted (Note: This means that you will receive multiple webhooks when submitting a batch payout)
- A payout status changes
- A transfer status changes
Payout event example
SPENDBACKWebhook will be sent when any of the following happens:

- A spendback is submitted
- A spendback is refunded
- A spendback status changes
Spendback event example
SUBSCRIPTION_DETAILSWebhook will be sent when a subscription has been processedSubscription example
TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZEDWebhook will be sent when a transaction is authorizedTransaction event example
TRANSACTION_CAPTUREDWebhook will be sent when a transaction is capturedTransaction event example
TRANSACTION_PENDINGWebhook will be sent when a transaction is marked as pendingTransaction event example
TRANSACTION_REFUNDEDWebhook will be sent when a transaction is refundedTransaction event example
TRANSACTION_SETTLEDWebhook will be sent when a transaction is settledTransaction event example
TRANSACTION_VOIDEDWebhook will be sent when a transaction is voidedTransaction event example

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