Running merchant-initiated transactions for a payment plan

Payment plans can have transactions that are initiated by the merchant or on the merchant backend server. For general information about payment plans, see Getting started with pay plans.

This option is for cases where you want to manually run the transactions for a card, echeck, or payment through PayPal (with Braintree). and have Nexio manage sending transaction requests automatically according to a schedule.

With this option, the merchant must manually track a balance for a customer as payments are run. This allows the merchant to control when transactions run or to make a change such as lowering the payment amount for a time. The downside to this approach is that the merchant must remember to run the transactions at the appropriate time and date. It is possible to create an application or website using the Nexio API to run these transactions, but each transaction must be sent individually.

The steps for implementing this type of payment plan depend on the payment method:

See also