The following are miscellaneous frequently asked questions.
Q: All payments are coming back as 'pending', are these actually successful? Can I mark the order as paid and ship product?
The status of pending
means the transaction is approved (authorized) but the batch has not yet settled.
Settled transactions will show a status of settled
You can be assured that any pending
transactions should settle without any issue.
Batch close time is typically at 11pm PDT.
See the Transaction status table for more information.
Q: Is there a joint auth & capture method?
Yes! The endpoint is called Run card transaction.
When you send a request to this endpoint, by default the transaction will be authorized and captured.
If you want to run an auth only transaction, send isAuthOnly: true
in the body of your request.
Q: I see two custom field entries, what are those for?
The two custom fields provided are optional for partners to use for reconciliation and/or reporting purposes.
Q: Is it possible to run an auth only using the iframe and then capture through the API?
Yes, you can use the Nexio iframe in AuthOnly mode and then capture the sale later if that is best for your workflow.
To run an auth only in the iframe, include isAuthOnly: true
the body of your request when you retrieve a one-time-use token.
You can then capture using the Capture a transaction endpoint of the API or through Nexio dashboard.
Q: Can I host my localization/translation JSON file as a GitHub gist?
Yes, you can host your sandbox localization/translation file anywhere you choose.
These steps do not apply to the production environment. Production translation/localization files must be hosted by Nexio.
For more information, see step 5 of the Customizing iframe labels tutorial.
To use a GitHub gist to host your translation file for sandbox testing, follow these steps:
Create a GitHub gist containing your translation JSON file.
The gist must be public in order for Nexio to access it.
Copy the gist's URL. It will look like this:
to end of the URL from step 2, as in the following example:https://gist.github.com/your-github-username/8bdeaf3e8bc8c473d06b82ad56dd1c7d/raw
This allows Nexio to access the raw JSON file hosted in your gist repository.
Proceed to step 2 of the Displaying translated or customized labels tutorial.
Updated about 2 years ago