Create one-time-use token

A temporary token from this endpoint is necessary prior to loading any ecommerce iframe. The available and required parameters differ based on the iframe to be loaded. See the dropdown below to see which parameters are available and required for each iframe. All processing options and UI options for your iframes must be sent in the body of this request. Any data (ex. card or customer information) you wish to be pre-filled in your iframe forms must also be sent in this request. Any parameter included here will be overwritten if the same parameter is included in the iframe’s event body.

For more information about the parameters that continue from the one-time-use token to the saved card token and beyond, see What data is saved with tokens? in Guides.



Once a token has been used to submit an iframe it cannot be used to load another. You must request a new one-time-use token prior to submitting each iframe.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you can use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.

You can also use the following test account. Copy the value and paste it into the appropriate space in the Try It section to the right.
username: [email protected]
password: JZdzoXpdDeH6VA

Include any other parameters that you need for the body of the request, depending on what you are using the one-time-use token for.

Request parameters

  • bank
  • bank.accountHolderName
  • bank.routingNumber
  • card
  • card.businessNumber
  • card.cardHolderName
  • card.cardType
  • card.classification
  • card.expirationMonth
  • card.expirationYear
  • card.password
  • data
  • data.allowedCardTypes
  • data.amount
  • data.currency
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.customerRef
  • data.customer.orderNumber
  • data.customer.orderDate
  • data.customer.invoice
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.nationalIdentificationNumber
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.createdAtDate
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • data.customFields
  • data.customFields.exampleKey
  • data.description
  • data.descriptor
  • data.descriptor.address
  • data.descriptor.state
  • data.descriptor.postal
  • data.descriptor.url
  • data.descriptor.merchantId
  • data.descriptor.mcc
  • data.lodging
  • data.lodging.advanceDeposit
  • data.lodging.checkInDate
  • data.lodging.checkOutDate
  • data.lodging.noShow
  • data.lodging.roomNumber
  • data.lodging.roomRate
  • data.surcharge
  • installment
  • installment.period
  • isAuthOnly
  • processingOptions
  • processingOptions.checkFraud
  • processingOptions.verboseResponse
  • processingOptions.verifyAvs
  • processingOptions.verifyCvc
  • processingOptions.customerRedirectUrl
  • processingOptions.merchantId
  • processingOptions.paymentOptionTag
  • processingOptions.saveCardToken
  • processingOptions.shouldUseFingerprint
  • shouldUpdateCard
  • uiOptions
  • uiOptions.css
  • uiOptions.customTextUrl
  • uiOptions.displaySubmitButton
  • uiOptions.hideBilling
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hideAddressOne
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hideAddressTwo
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hideCity
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hideCountry
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hidePostal
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hidePhone
  • uiOptions.hideBilling.hideState
  • uiOptions.hideCvc
  • uiOptions.limitCountriesTo
  • uiOptions.requireCvc
  • uiOptions.forceExpirationSelection

Response parameters

  • expiration
  • fraudUrlc
  • token
Configuring your backend server to listen for requests from the frontend
Open Recipe
Creating the save card iframe page
Open Recipe
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!