Returns all payouts that meet the specified parameters (if any) and that are associated with the Nexio account used to authenticate.
This is the only endpoint where you can use payoutRef in the request to view a specific payout based on that value.
You may also request to return additional parameters and/or filter results using one or more query parameters.
By way of example, to return (filter) all payouts where the currency is EUR and also (request to include) the recipientIdNumbers object in the response, the request would look like this: /payout/v3?recipientIdNumbers.¤cy=EUR
To return (filter) only the payout with the specified payoutRef parameter, the request would look like this: /payout/v3?payoutRef=dfbb8efc-6e85-4973-8f2e-69baf8624ae6
For a more detailed tutorial, see the query parameters section of Guides.
Try It
To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you must use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.