Save echeck token

Allows you to securely save bank account information without a browser using the API or using your own form.

You may save a new e-check by including the card object or add existing TokenEx echeck token for use in Nexio by including the token object. Echeck tokens can be used to process through any MID on your account. They are not restricted to a specific merchant account or currency.



Processing options must be sent in the request for a one-time-use token. For more information, see What data is saved with tokens? in Guides.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you can use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.

You can also use the following test account. Copy the value and paste it into the appropriate space in the Try It section to the right.
username: [email protected]
password: JZdzoXpdDeH6VA

Include at least a one-time-use token, bank.accountHolderName, bank.accountHolderName, and either the bank.encryptedBankAccountNumber or the tokenex.token parameter.

Request parameters

  • bank
  • bank.accountHolderName
  • bank.routingNumber
  • bank.encryptedBankAccountNumber
  • token
  • data
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.companyName
  • data.customer.createdAtDate
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.invoice
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.orderNumber
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • data.customFields
  • data.customFields.exampleKey
  • tokenex
  • tokenex.token
  • tokenex.lastFour

Response parameters

  • token
  • token.token
  • tokenx.lastFour
  • data
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.companyName
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • bank
  • bank.accountHolderName
  • bank.routingNumber
  • merchantId
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!