Update recipient

This endpoint is used to update information for an existing payout recipient.



You can only update a recipient record if the request is accepted by the payout provider associated with the recipientId.



For the payout provider Interchecks, if you pass a value for one of the recipientIdNumbers parameters when creating a new recipient, you cannot update any recipient information with this endpoint.

In the case that a value has been passed for the recipientIdNumbers and you are wanting to change information for an existing Interchecks recipient, contact Interchecks to update the recipient's information.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you must use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.

Include at least a recipienId and recipient firstName and lastName.

Request parameters

  • recipientId
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • recipientIdNumbers
  • recipientIdNumbers.governmentId
  • recipientIdNumbers.passportId
  • recipientIdNumbers.employerId
  • recipientIdNumbers.driversLicenseId
  • providerId
  • recipientRef
  • email
  • userType
  • gender
  • birthDate
  • countryOfBirth
  • countryOfNationality
  • country
  • currency
  • addressType
  • addressLine1
  • addressLine2
  • city
  • region
  • postalCode
  • phoneNumber
  • phoneNumberCountry
  • mobileNumber
  • mobileNumberCountry

Response parameters

  • payoutAccountId
  • providerId
  • recipientId
  • recipientRef
  • email
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • providerType
  • providerRecipientRef
  • userType
  • addressLine1
  • addressLine2
  • city
  • region
  • postalCode
  • country
  • phoneNumber
  • mobileNumber
  • countryOfBirth
  • countryOfNationality
  • gender
  • birthDate
  • recipientRulesMetadata
  • recipientRulesMetadata.id
  • recipientRulesMetadata.recipientId
  • recipientRulesMetadata.metadata
  • recipientRulesMetadata.createdAt
  • recipientRulesMetadata.updatedAt
  • recipientIdNumbers
  • recipientIdNumbers.governmentId
  • recipientIdNumbers.passportId
  • recipientIdNumbers.employerId
  • recipientIdNumbers.driversLicenseId
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!