Run APM transaction

Allows you to securely process an alternative payment method transaction without a browser, such as for merchant-initiated transactions using PayPal (with Braintree).



In order to use this endpoint, the following two things must be true:

  • You must have already set processingOptions.saveRecurringToken to true in the APM one-time-use token request for the initial transaction.
  • Your customer must have already checked out and paid through the alternative payment method for that initial transaction.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you must use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.

Request parameters

  • apm
  • apm.token
  • data
  • data.amount
  • data.currency
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.orderNumber
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.companyName
  • data.customer.createdAtDate
  • data.customer.customerRef
  • data.customer.invoice
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.orderDate
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • data.customFields
  • data.customFields.exampleKey
  • data.description
  • isAuthOnly
  • processingOptions
  • processingOptions.merchantId
  • processingOptions.paymentOptionTag
  • processingOptions.webhookFailUrl

Response parameters

  • id
  • merchantId
  • transactionDate
  • transactionStatus
  • amount
  • transactionType
  • currency
  • gatewayResponse
  • gatewayResponse.gatewayName
  • gatewayResponse.refNumber
  • data
  • data.amount
  • data.currency
  • data.settlementCurrency
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.customerRef
  • data.customer.orderNumber
  • data.customer.orderDate
  • data.customer.invoice
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • data.customer.createdAt
  • data.customFields
  • data.customFields.exampleKey
  • data.description
  • apm
  • apm.token
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!