Configures webhooks using the legacy workflow, including the URLs a merchant's webhooks are sent to and the event types which trigger webhooks.
If you need to whitelist the IP addresses that send the webhooks, you can find the list for both sandbox and production environments at
For a tutorial about configuring and using webhooks, see Configuring webhooks in Guides.
To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you must use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.
Nexio supports only either the new webhooks or these legacy ones. Before configuring URLs for legacy webhooks, ensure that you do not have any URLS for the new ones configured: View webhook URLs by ID and type.
If you need to remove one or more (or all) legacy webhooks, use this endpoint, but send an empty webhooks object to remove all or, to remove just one, send all current configured webhooks minus the object that corresponds to the event type for the webhook you want to remove. For additional information, see Deregistering legacy webhooks in Guides.