Save card token

Allows you to securely save a card token without a browser using the API or using your own form. You can use this endpoint to save a new card token or add pre-existing TokenEx tokens that you would like to start using through Nexio. You can later use this saved card token to run a card transaction using the Run card transaction with iframe or Run card transaction endpoint.

Card tokens can be used to process transactions through any MID on your account. They are not restricted to a specific merchant account or currency.

For instructions on how to implement this endpoint, see Creating a save card page with your own form or Saving a card token with the API.

For a tutorial about running a transaction with the saved card token, see the Creating a card checkout page with the iframe, Creating a card checkout page with your own form, or Running a card transaction with the API topic.



Processing options must be sent in the request for a one-time-use token. For more information, see What data is saved with tokens? in Guides.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, include at least the following in the body of the request:

  • A one-time-use token - this replaces the standard username/password and authentication header
  • card.cardHolderName
  • card.expirationMonth
  • card.expirationYear
  • Either card.encryptedNumber or tokenex.token (an existing TokenEx card token)
    For information about test card numbers and values you can use, see the documentation for the specific gateway/connection integration guide or, if you are testing Account Updater, see the Test cards for account updater section of the "Checking a card's enrollment tag" topic.

Request parameters

  • card
  • card.cardHolderName
  • card.encryptedNumber
  • card.expirationMonth
  • card.expirationYear
  • card.cardType
  • card.securityCode
  • card.firstSix
  • card.lastFour
  • token
  • data
  • data.currency
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.createdAtDate
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.invoice
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.orderNumber
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • data.customFields
  • data.customFields.exampleKey
  • shouldUpdateCard
  • tokenex
  • tokenex.token
  • tokenex.firstSix
  • tokenex.lastFour
  • merchantId

Response parameters

  • card
  • card.cardHolderName
  • card.expirationMonth
  • card.expirationYear
  • card.cardType
  • data
  • data.customer
  • data.customer.billToAddressOne
  • data.customer.billToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.billToCity
  • data.customer.billToCountry
  • data.customer.billToPhone
  • data.customer.billToPostal
  • data.customer.billToState
  • data.customer.birthDate
  • data.customer.firstName
  • data.customer.lastName
  • data.customer.shipToAddressOne
  • data.customer.shipToAddressTwo
  • data.customer.shipToCity
  • data.customer.shipToCountry
  • data.customer.shipToPhone
  • data.customer.shipToPostal
  • data.customer.shipToState
  • kountResponse
  • kountResponse.status
  • kountResponse.rules
  • merchantId
  • shouldUpdateCard
  • token
  • token.token
  • token.firstSix
  • token.lastFour
  • token.cardType
  • cvcResults
  • cvcResults.matchCvv
  • cvcResults.error
  • cvcResults.gatewayMessage
  • cvcResults.gatewayMessage.cvvresponse
  • cvcResults.gatewayMessage.message
  • avsResults
  • avsResults.matchAddress
  • avsResults.matchPostal
  • avsResults.error
  • avsResults.gatewayMessage
  • avsResults.gatewayMessage.avsresponse
  • avsResults.gatewayMessage.message
  • cardType
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!