View APM transaction async status

Gets information about the specified alternative payment method (APM) asynchronous transaction. Use this for tracking APM transactions submitted through the Run APM transaction or through any of the integration methods (for more information, see Run a sale transaction in the Alternative Payment Method section of Guides).

The Create APM one-time-use token endpoint returns the asyncTraceId in the response for you to use with the path parameter for this endpoint.

For the Multi Iframe (Express APM) and Individual Iframe (Button URLs) integration methods for one-time payments (non-dropin-style), the history object progresses through the following flow for a successful payment:

  • getToken
  • iframe
  • popup
  • finale

For the Custom Redirect (Redirect URLs) integration method, the history object progresses through the following flow for a successful payment:

  • getToken
  • popup
  • finale

For first transactions in a merchant-initiated recurring transaction, the history object progressess through the following flow for a successful payment:

  • getToken
  • iframe
  • processFromApm

See also

Request parameters

  • asyncTraceId

Response parameters

  • gatewayResponse
  • gatewayResponse.refNumber
  • gatewayResponse.gatewayName
  • history.processFromApm
  • history.processFromApm.initiatedAt
  • history.processFromApm.updatedAt
  • history.processFromApm.state
  • history.getToken
  • history.getToken.initiatedAt
  • history.getToken.updatedAt
  • history.getToken.state
  • history.iframe
  • history.iframe.initiatedAt
  • history.iframe.updatedAt
  • history.iframe.state
  • history.popup
  • history.popup.initiatedAt
  • history.popup.updatedAt
  • history.popup.state
  • history.finale
  • history.finale.initiatedAt
  • history.finale.updatedAt
  • history.finale.state
  • updatedAt
  • initialTransactionStatus
  • createdAt
  • asyncTraceId
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