View card tokens

Allows you to view all saved card tokens based on the given criteria.



Nexio does not currently support returning terminal tokens from this endpoint. Instead, use the terminal's token with the View card token details endpoint.

Saved card tokens can be used to process through any MID on your account. They are not restricted to a specific merchant account or currency.


Try It

To use the Try It feature for this endpoint, you can use the credentials for your Sandbox API user.

You can include any of the possible filters, or none of them, in your request. For example, /card/v3/?expirationYear<2024&merchantId=000999 to return all records for the given merchantId and a card expiration year before 2024.

Request parameters

  • limit
  • offset
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • merchantId
  • merchantIds
  • customerRef
  • expirationMonth
  • expirationYear
  • accountUpdaterStatus
  • shouldUpdateCard
  • lastAccountUpdaterUpdate
  • pauseAccountUpdater
  • cardType
  • firstSix
  • lastFour
  • token
  • cardHolderName

Response parameters

  • limit
  • offset
  • hasMore
  • rows.key
  • rows.merchantId
  • rows.customerRef
  • rows.expirationMonth
  • rows.expirationYear
  • rows.accountUpdaterStatus
  • rows.shouldUpdateCard
  • rows.lastAccountUpdaterUpdate
  • rows.pauseAccountUpdater
  • rows.createdAt
  • rows.updatedAt
  • rows.cardType
  • rows.firstSix
  • rows.lastFour
  • rows.token
  • rows.cardHolderName
  • random-nnnn
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!