Understanding the AVS response

Before starting this tutorial, make sure you understand the following topics from the Quick start section:

When you check AVS (Address Verification Service), your response includes an object called avsResults.
See the example below.

  "token": {...},
  "card": {...},
  "data": {...},
  "avsResults": {
    "matchAddress": true,
    "matchPostal": true,
    "gatewayResponse": {...}
  "cardType": "visa"

Match address

The results of the US-based address check.

  • True: The address provided matches the address on file with the card issuer.
  • False: The address provided does not match the address on file with the card issuer.

(In this case, 'address' refers to the street address portion of the billing address.
For example, if the address provided were 123 Sesame St. Manhattan, NY 10128,
matchAddress would compare '123 Sesame St.' with the address on file.)



Card issuers may handle address checks differently.

For your convenience, Nexio returns a simple true or false regardless of the card issuer.

Match postal

The results of the US-based postal code check.

  • True: The postal code provided matches the postal code on file with the card issuer.
  • False: The postal code provided does not match the postal code on file with the card issuer.

(Using the example address above, matchPostal would compare '10128' with the postal code on file.)

Gateway response

This part of the response includes raw details from the gateway's response to the AVS check.
Format may vary by gateway.



A gateway AVS error will not prevent the card token from being saved.

If you received a gateway error during an address verification check, you may want to delete the card token.