ProPay integration guide ProPay is a gateway that allows you to collect card payments. This guide is intended to help you implement ProPay based on your preferred integration workflow.

Services and compatibility

Supported payment types
  • Card
Supported transaction types
  • Sale ( API )
  • Auth Only ( API )
  • Capture (partial) ( API )
  • Void ( API )
  • Refund (partial and multiple) ( API )
Supported processing currenciesCAD, JPY
3D Secure 1.x supportedNo
3D Secure 2.x supportedNo
External 3D Secure supportedNo
Installments supportedNo

Gateway-specific information

Propay does not support capturing more than the amount from the auth only transaction.


Work with Integrations Support to add ProPay as a connection. You will need the following credentials from ProPay:

  • Cert String
  • Term Id
  • Account Number

Required fields

The following fields are required when processing a payment request with ProPay:

  • data.amount
  • data.currency
  • processingOptions.paymentType

Testing data

Use the following test card information to test your ProPay configuration.

BrandCard numberExpiration dateSecurity codeCardholder namePostal codeTransaction result
Visa4747474747474747Any future999AnyAnySuccess
Mastercard5454545454545454Any future999AnyAnySuccess
Amex371449635398431Any future3714AnyAnySuccess
Discover6011000000000012Any future999AnyAnySuccess
Visa4616161616161616Any future999AnyAnyFail

To test specific failures, use the following transaction amounts in conjunction with the card information above that normally would produce a successful transaction:

AmountTransaction result
1.10Invalid card
1.11Issuing Bank timed out
1.12Card limit exceeded
1.13Insufficient funds
1.14Transaction type not allowed
1.15Issuing bank not found
1.16Invalid format or field

Status workflows

The status of a successful transaction with ProPay varies, depending on the options you choose.

SaleWhen isAuthOnly is false, successful sale transactions will have the following statuses:
  • pending* or authorized
  • settled
Auth onlyWhen isAuthOnly is true, successful sale transactions will have the following status:
  • authOnly
CaptureSuccessful capture transactions will have the following statuses:
  • pending* or authorized
  • settled
VoidSuccessful void transactions will have the following status:
  • voided
RefundSuccessful refund transactions will have the following statuses:
  • pending* or authorized
  • settled

*Pending status displays as "authorized" or "AUTHORIZED" in the Nexio Dashboard; it displays as 10, meaning "authorized", in the response when querying transactions (for more information about transactionStatus, see the appropriate transactionStatus table).

If you have any additional questions or feedback, contact us.