Changelog for July 2024
7 months ago by Nexio
This changelog covers changes to the documentation and API Reference during July 2024.
Content changes
- The API diagrams have been updated to include all supported endpoints and to improve the organization. (7/31/2024)
- We have updated the Using 3DS to run transactions tutorial with more explicit information about the 3DS payment flow. We have also added a new Troubleshooting asynchronous transactions topic that you can use for tracking and troubleshooting 3DS transactions. That page also includes guidelines for what to do at different states if a transaction gets stuck. (7/24/2024)
- The information in the Using a third-party 3DS provider to run transactions has been updated to clarify that you should always send the parameters and values that you get back from the third-party 3DS provider. (7/17/2024)
- The information about Webhooks has been updated in the Guides ( Registering webhooks and Configuring legacy webhooks ) to clarify that Nexio supports only one Nexio Webhook version at a time (either the new or the legacy version). (7/17/2024)
API changelog
Enhancement/Fix | API Reference | Description |
Enhancement | Reporting | Updated the limit and offset parameter descriptions to clarify how to use them for paging through a list of results. (7/24/2024) |
Enhancement | Payments | The external3ds object has been updated with a couple new parameters and some additional information. We have clarified that even though some fields are not required, to maximize the likelihood of transaction approval, you should always send the parameter and value that is returned from the third-party 3DS provider. The added parameters are enrolled and pAResStatus . (7/17/2024) |
Fix | Dev Tools | In the Register webhook URLs and Create legacy merchant webhooks endpoints, we have added a note that clarifies that Nexio supports only one Nexio Webhook version at a time (either the new or the legacy version). Before configuring your webhook URLs with your selected endpoint, you should ensure that there are no configured webhook URLs for the Webhook version you do not want to use. (7/17/2024) |
If you have any questions or feedback, contact us.